Carlo Combi
Professor, Computer Science
University of Verona
Carlo Combi was born in 1962. In 1987 he received the Laurea Degree in E.E. by the Politecnico of Milan. In 1993 he received the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering. He was in 1994 and 1995 Post-Doc fellow at the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the Politecnico of Milan. From 1987 to 1996 he worked within the research group in Medical Informatics at the Politecnico of Milan. From April 1996 to October 2001, Carlo Combi was with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Udine as Assistant Professor. Since November 2001, he is with the Department of Computer Science of the University of Verona: from November 2001 to February 2005, he was Associate Professor of Computer Science; since March 2005, he is Professor of Computer Science. From October 2007 to September 2012 he was head of the Department. From 2013 to 2018 he was member of the Executive Board of the University of Verona. From 2018 to 2019 he was Vice-Rector of the University of Verona.
Since 2017 he is Editor in Chief of the journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIIM - Elsiever), a top-ranked journal in Artificial Intelligence, Medicine, Medical Informatics, and Biomedical Engineering.
Main research interests are related to the artificial intelligence, database and information system fields, with an emphasis on the management of clinical information.
The following specific research topics have been considered by Carlo Combi:
* Temporal business processes: conceptual modeling, architectures, and management of temporal information;
* Temporal constraint networks: consistency and controllability;
* Temporal data warehouses and temporal data and pattern mining;
* XML, semistructured data and temporal information;
* Natural language processing to support Healthcare Decision Support Systems;
* Temporal functional dependencies;
* Temporal reasoning: temporal granularity and indeterminacy in Event Calculus;
* Temporal information visualization;
* Uncertainty management of temporal relationships by multiple-valued logics;
* WWW-based access to temporal information;
* Granularity and indeterminacy in modeling and querying object-oriented temporal databases;
* Multimedia data modeling and querying;
* Compression techniques applied on biomedical signals and images.
He is author of more than 200 papers published on international journals and proceedings of international conferences. He is author, with Elpida Keravnou - University of Cyprus, and Yuval Shahar - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, of the book "Temporal Information Systems in Medicine", Springer, 2010. He co-edited, with Giuseppe Pozzi - Politecnico di Milano, and Pierangelo Veltri - University Magna Grecia of Catanzaro, the book "Process Modeling and Management for Healthcare", Chapman & Hall/CRC Healthcare Informatics Series, 2018
Since 2017 he is Editor in Chief of the journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIIM - Elsiever), a top-ranked journal in Artificial Intelligence, Medicine, Medical Informatics, and Biomedical Engineering.
Main research interests are related to the artificial intelligence, database and information system fields, with an emphasis on the management of clinical information.
The following specific research topics have been considered by Carlo Combi:
* Temporal business processes: conceptual modeling, architectures, and management of temporal information;
* Temporal constraint networks: consistency and controllability;
* Temporal data warehouses and temporal data and pattern mining;
* XML, semistructured data and temporal information;
* Natural language processing to support Healthcare Decision Support Systems;
* Temporal functional dependencies;
* Temporal reasoning: temporal granularity and indeterminacy in Event Calculus;
* Temporal information visualization;
* Uncertainty management of temporal relationships by multiple-valued logics;
* WWW-based access to temporal information;
* Granularity and indeterminacy in modeling and querying object-oriented temporal databases;
* Multimedia data modeling and querying;
* Compression techniques applied on biomedical signals and images.
He is author of more than 200 papers published on international journals and proceedings of international conferences. He is author, with Elpida Keravnou - University of Cyprus, and Yuval Shahar - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, of the book "Temporal Information Systems in Medicine", Springer, 2010. He co-edited, with Giuseppe Pozzi - Politecnico di Milano, and Pierangelo Veltri - University Magna Grecia of Catanzaro, the book "Process Modeling and Management for Healthcare", Chapman & Hall/CRC Healthcare Informatics Series, 2018