Dexter Hadley
Founding Chief, Division of Artificial Intelligence
University of Central Florida, College of Medicine
Dexter Hadley, MD/PhD translates big data into precision medicine and digital health. His research generates, annotates, and ultimately reasons over large multi-modal data stores to develop predictive models of clinical intelligence. He earned his PhD in genomics and computational biology while at medical school at University of Pennsylvania, and he trained in clinical pathology while at residency at Stanford. He first became faculty at University of California San Francisco where he won various grant funding for developing deep learning methods in medicine including over $5M from NIH. His contributions have yielded well over 60 peer-reviewed publications in precision medicine to develop novel interventions, identify novel biomarkers and potential therapeutics for disease. He has been giving invited lectures around the globe on leveraging AI/ML in clinical applications. Dr. Hadley is the Founding Chief of Artificial Intelligence at University of Central Florida, College of Medicine where he is building a community of patients, clinicians, and data scientists to turn his vision for Community Driven AI into reality.