AI in Triage
Thursday, September 21, 2023, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Chris Chmura, MSN RN at Yale New Haven Hospital speaks about his experience implementing TriageGO at three of their EDs. He will cover:
• The operational journey of implementing a new methodology of triage
• The standardization and redistribution of patients across acuity levels
• Improved patient outcomes
• Empowering the nurses to make the best decisions at triage, and improving nurse-to-provider communication
Beckman Coulter
Beckman Coulter has been a global leader in advanced diagnostics for almost 100 years, and with the dawn of software as a diagnostic tool, we are still leading the way. Beckman Coulter has made sizeable commitment to the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence as it applies to diagnostics with the establishment of our new Clinical Decision Support Platform.