Guardians of patient data
Date & Time
Monday, November 18, 2024, 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM
May Dongmei Wang

Track chair: David Metcalf

In this presentation, we will explore the evolving landscape of healthcare cybersecurity and the critical role it plays in protecting sensitive patient data. With the rise of digital health tools, electronic health records (EHRs), and interconnected systems, safeguarding patient information has never been more important. The speaker will discuss emerging threats, common vulnerabilities in healthcare IT infrastructure, and best practices for preventing cyberattacks. Additionally, the talk will cover practical strategies for healthcare organizations to build resilient security frameworks that ensure patient trust, compliance with regulations, and robust defense mechanisms against cyber threats.

Location Name
Grand Sierra F
Full Address
Manchester Grand Hyatt
One Market Place
San Diego, CA 92101
United States
Session Type