Multimodal AI in practice: challenges and opportunities in healthcare
Date & Time
Monday, November 18, 2024, 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Farzad Khalvati , University of Toronto, The Hospital for Sick ChildrenAssociate Professor, Senior ScientistFarzad Khalvati
Mr. Revathipathi [RP] Namballa , CloudAngles Inc.,Chief Executive OfficerMr. Revathipathi [RP] Namballa
Dr Wes Walker MD , AdventHealthDirector of Genomics & Personalized HealthDr Wes Walker MD
Hansa Bhargava , HealioChief Clinical Strategy OfficerModeratorHansa Bhargava
Ricky Mehra , Continuum Health VenturesFounder & General PartnerRicky Mehra
Mr. Revathipathi [RP] Namballa , CloudAngles Inc.,Chief Executive OfficerMr. Revathipathi [RP] Namballa
Dr Wes Walker MD , AdventHealthDirector of Genomics & Personalized HealthDr Wes Walker MD
Hansa Bhargava , HealioChief Clinical Strategy OfficerModeratorHansa Bhargava
Ricky Mehra , Continuum Health VenturesFounder & General PartnerRicky Mehra

![Revathipathi [RP] Namballa](

Track Chair: Hansa Bhargava
This panel discussion will explore the transformative potential of integrating diverse data sources—such as imaging, genomics, and electronic health records—through multimodal AI technologies. Experts from various fields will delve into the practical applications of these advancements, addressing the challenges of data integration, interoperability, and clinical adoption. The discussion will also highlight the opportunities for improving diagnostic accuracy, personalized treatment, and patient outcomes. Attendees will gain insights into how multimodal AI can overcome current barriers in healthcare and unlock new possibilities for enhanced patient care
Location Name
Grand Sierra I
Full Address
Manchester Grand Hyatt
One Market Place
San Diego, CA 92101
United States
One Market Place
San Diego, CA 92101
United States
Session Type