CarDIA-AI (coronary computed tomographic angiography to optimize diagnostic yield of invasive angiography for low-risk patients screened with artificial intelligence)
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Jeremy Petch

Track Chair: Eric Eskioglu

Coronary artery disease (CAD), the leading cause of death worldwide, was traditionally diagnosed using invasive coronary angiography (ICA), which carries risks and is expensive. Cardiac computed tomographic angiography (CCTA), a non-invasive alternative, has emerged as an effective diagnostic tool. This case study demonstrates how a team developed an AI-powered predictive model to identify patients suitable for CCTA and implemented a centralized triage pathway to guide patients to the most appropriate test. The next step is to evaluate the combined AI tool and triage pathway through a randomized controlled trial

Location Name
Grand Sierra I
Full Address
Manchester Grand Hyatt
One Market Place
San Diego, CA 92101
United States
Session Type